本文来源于《比较》 2017年第1期 出版日期:2017年02月
- 新制度经济学的未来
- The Future of New Institutional Economics
- by Claude Ménard and Mary M. Shirley
克劳德·梅纳德 玛丽·雪莱
比较之窗Comparative Studies
- 混合所有制、非国有积极股东及L-C 股权结构
- Mixed Ownership, Non-state Active Shareholder and L-C Equity Structure
- by Wenkui Zhang
- 经济学中的社会网络研究
- The Study of Social Network in Economics
- by Matthew O. Jackson
新书架New Books
- 尚待完成的改革——形成国企与非国企平等竞争的环境
- Refrom Unfinished: Creating Fair Compition for SOE and non-SOE
- by Chunlin Zhang
特稿Special Feature
- 理解经济学研究
- Understanding the Economic Studies
- by Yingyi Qian
- 激励机制与制度改革
- Incentive Mechanism and Institution Reform
- by Chenggang Xu
- 机制设计理论及其对中国改革、发展和治理的重大意义
- The Theory of Mechanism Design and Its Implications for China’s Reform, Development and Governance
- by Guoqiang Tian
法和经济学Law and Economics
- 次级抵押贷款扩张的政治经济学研究
The Political Economy of the Subprime Mortgage Credit Expansion
- by Atif Mian, Amir Sufi and Francesco Trebbi
阿蒂夫·迈恩 阿米尔·苏非 弗朗西斯科·特霍比
养老金专题Pension System
- 智利养老金体系改革
- Reforming Pension in Chile
- by Nicholas Barr and Peter Diamond
尼古拉斯·巴尔 彼得·戴蒙德
- 积累制养老金:日本的经验和教训
- The Funded Pensions: The Japanese Experience and Its Lessons
- by Noriyuki Takayama
- 发展中国家的养老金改革:反思正在涌现的问题
- Developing Countries and Systemic Pension Reforms: Reflections on Some Emerging Problems
- by Xinmei Wang, John B.Williamson and Mehmet Cansoy
王新梅 约翰·威廉姆森 穆罕默德·詹索伊