本文来源于《比较》 2023年第4期 出版日期 2023年8月
- 好的经济:亚里士多德、塞万提斯和柏格森的活力论,以及康德、罗尔斯的经济正义
- The Good Economy: The Vitalism of Aristotle, Cervantes and Bergson and the Economic Justice of Kant and Rawls
- by Edmund S.Phelps
- 影子银行与传统金融中介的四大支柱
- Shadow Banking and the Four Pillars of Traditional Financial Intermediation
- by Emmanuel Farhi,Jean Tirole
伊曼纽尔·法尔希 让·梯若尔
- 解构现代银行体系 :《影子银行与传统金融中介的四大支柱》导读
- Deconstructing Modern Banking System:A Guide to “Shadow Banking and the Four Pillars of Traditiona Financial Intermediation”
- by Yun Liu and Ru Zhen
流云 真如
法和经济学Law and Economics
- 以正当规则激励股票市场功能发挥
- Motivating the Stock Market to Perform its Functions by Legitimate Rules
- by Qichang Wang
- 鱼与熊掌兼得:抑制创新的负面作用,增进其回报
- How to Boost the Payoff from Innovation While Shrinking its Destructive Side Effects
- by Robert J. Gordon
比较之窗Comparative Studies
- 越南生产率报告:识别增长挑战,探寻前行之路(二)
- Viet Nam Productivity Report: Identifying Growth Challenges and Exploring a Way Forward
- by Ohno Kenichi, Nguyen Duc Thanh and Pham Thi Huong
大野健一 阮德成 范式香
- 最后的通才
- The Last Generalists
- by Hans-Michael Trautwein
社保专题Social Security
- 积累型养老金与长期资本形成
- Funded Pension and the Formation of Long-term Capital
- by Bo Li, Andi Chen and Bingwen Zheng
李波 陈安弟 郑秉文
政策评论Policy Review
- 促进绿色低碳发展的价格型和非价格型工具
- Pricing and Non-pricing Levers to Promote Green and Low-carbon Development
- by Xin Wang