医保专题Health Insurance Reform
- 后来居上: 土耳其医疗卫生体制改革
- Healthcare in Turkey: From Laggard to Leader
- by Enis Bari , Salih Mollahalilo lu and Sabahattin Ayd n
埃尼斯·巴瑞斯 萨利赫·莫尔拉哈里奥卢 萨巴赫丁·艾登
- 社会医疗保险制度筹资模式的国际比较
- Financing Patterns of the Social Health Insurance System: A Comparative Study of Seven Economies
- by Hengpeng Zhu and Jingting Xu
朱恒鹏 徐静婷
- 全民健康覆盖: 给政策制定者的建议
- Delivering Universal Health Coverage: A Guide for Policymakers
- by David Nicholson, Robert Yates, Will Warburton and Gianluca Fontana
戴维·尼科尔森 罗伯特·耶茨 威尔·沃伯顿 基恩卢卡·丰塔纳
- 健康的共同责任: 全球统一的卫生筹资框架
- Shared Responsibilities for Health: A Coherent Global Framework for Health Financing
- by Global Health Security Working Group on Health Financing, The Royal Institute of International Affairs