本文来源于《比较》 2018年第6期 出版日期 2018年12月
- 经济增长、技术变革与气候变化
- Economic Growth, Technological Change, and Climate Change
- by the Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
改革论坛Reform Forum
- 中国城市二元土地制度与房地产调控长效机制:理论分析框架、政策效应评估与未来改革路径
- China’s Urban Dual Land System and Real Estate Market Development:
Analytical Framework, Policy Evaluation and Reform Potential
- by Ting Shao, Li Tian and Ran Tao
邵挺 田莉 陶然
- 网络在理解经济行为中的作用
- Networks in the Understanding of Economic Behaviors
- by Matthew O. Jackson
马修 · 杰克逊
法和经济学Law and Economics
- 创新、知识产权与发展:面向21世纪的改良战略
- Innovation, Intellectual Property and Development: A Better Set of Approaches for the 21st Century
- by Dean Baker, Arjun Jayadev and Joseph Stiglitz
迪恩·贝克 阿尔琼·贾亚德夫 约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨
比较之窗Comparative Studies
- 跨国视角下的公共卫生 美国体系令人意外的优势
- Public Health in a Cross-National Lens: The Surprising Strength of the American System
- by Michael S. Sparer and Anne-Laure Beaussier
迈克尔·斯帕尔 安妮-洛尔·博西耶
新书架New Books
- 技术追赶非一日之功
- Why is There a Technological Gap?
- by Lawrence Lau
- 通识教育、职业教育与长期就业和收入
- General Education, Vocational Education, and Labor-Market Outcomes over the Lifecycle
- by Eric A. Hanushek, Guido Schwerdt, Ludger Woessmann and Lei Zhang
埃里克·哈努谢克 吉多·施韦尔特 卢德格尔·沃斯曼因 张磊
改革记忆Retrospect of Reform
- 中国四十年改革发展的经济学意义
- The Implications of China’s Reform and Opening for Economics
- by Wenkui Zhang
- 改革开放四十年中国的城市化
- China’s Urbanization during Last Forty Years of Reform and Opening
- by Lin Xu and Yi Fan
徐林 范毅