本文来源于《比较》 2018年第2期 出版日期 2018年04月
- 绿色产业政策:促进经济结构向富裕绿色经济转型
- Green Industrial Policy: Accelerating Structural Change towards Wealthy Green Economies
- by Tilman Altenburg and Dani Rodrik
蒂尔曼·阿尔滕堡 丹尼·罗德里克
- 2017年结构改革:评价与展望
- Structural Reform in 2017: Evaluation and Prospect
- by Xiaolu Wang
改革记忆Retrospect of Reform
- 宏观政策的改革:匈牙利的经验
- Macro Policy Reform: Hungary’s Experiences
- by János Kornai
- 中苏改革比较分析
- Economic Reforms in China and USSR: A Comparative Study
- by Jiwei Lou
改革论坛Reform Forum
- 医疗服务体系和医疗保障制度发展四十年
- The Development of Healthcare Deliveryand Social Health Insurance since 1978
- by Hengpeng Zhu
- 印度尼西亚的医疗体制改革
- Indonesia Health Care System and Recent Expansion in Social Insurance Program
- by Zhou Yang and Shuo Zhang
杨洲 张硕
- 人工智能与经济增长
- Artifcial Intelligence and Economic Growth
- by Philippe Aghion, Benjamin F. Jones and Charles I. Jones
菲利普·阿吉翁 本杰明·琼斯 查尔斯·琼斯
- 人工智能、工业革命与制度
- Artifcial Intelligence, Industrial Revolution and Institution
- by Chenggang Xu
- 人工智能的就业影响
- The Impact of Artifcial Intelligence on Employment
- by Yongwei Chen and Duo Xu
陈永伟 许多
政策评论Policy Review
- 通胀去哪儿了?货币、信贷与通胀的中美双城记
- The Quest of Inflation: a Tale of Two Money and Credit Stories in China and the U.S.
- by Yanliang Miao
新书架New Books
- 美国增长的起落
- The Rise and Fall of American Growth
- by Robert J. Gordon