特稿Special Feature
- 处理高债务
- Dealing with Debt
- by Carmen M. Reinhart, Vincent Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
卡门·莱茵哈特 文森特·莱茵哈特 肯尼斯·罗高夫
比较制度分析Comparative Institutional Analysis
- 强制与交易:市场是如何演进的?
- Coercion and Exchange: How did Markets Evolve?
- by Avner Greif
改革论坛Reform Forum
- 人民币跨境流动与离岸市场货币创造:兼议对我国货币政策的影响
- Money Creation Mechanism of Offshore RMB Market and Its Influence on China’s Money Supply
- by Ge Wu and Ning Yang
伍戈 杨凝